Jetco ROG plan page 1
Jetco ROG plan page 2

Note: Print pages "Actual size" or 100% to prevent the page from being scaled to fit. Flat wingspan is 16"
Here is a single page copy of the plan for 11"x17" paper

Jetco ROG is a local club event that goes back over 40 years and I have decided that it will be the one design for the 2024 Midwest Indoor Champonship at Kent State. Competition was often very close in this event which made the event fun as typically only a few seconds separated the top three places. The intent here is to build a lightened version of the classic Jetco ROG model.  

Jetco ROG Rules (updated for 2024):
Wing, stab, and fin outlines per plan and must be from 1/16" sq balsa. Wing and stab ribs are to be flat as per the plan.

Single surface tissue covering on wing stab and fin (Esaki, Gampi, etc, no condenser paper). Tissue on the wing may be covered flat on the top as per the plan or airfoiled. If airfoiled/baggy/loose/cambered tissue is used, then the Camber/airfoil of the tissue must be held up by the tissue itself. No supporting ribs or structure may be added to hold the tissue camber/curvature in place.

Any diameter wire can be used for the landing gear, prop shaft, rear hook, and wing clips. The landing gear must be able to support the model at rest (less rubber) with enough ground clearance for the prop to spin. Wing clips can be glued to the motor stick to keep them from moving once the model is trimmed.  

The sheet wood for the ailerons, rudder, and wheels can be of any thickness balsa. Wheel diameter as per plan.

Motor stick length per the plan, any size solid balsa wood may be used for the motor stick.

Any type of thrust bearing may be used, the rear hook can be any shape and mounted in any location.

Any type of dihedral (tip, vee, poly, etc) and any amount of dihedral may be used.  

5 1/2" max prop diameter. Prop must be plastic (molded, 3D printed, Ikara, etc). Trimming, scraping, and re-pitching of blades are OK.

The use of composites, carbon, boron, kevlar, etc are not permitted. Bearing and rear hook may be wraped with tissue or thread.

No minimum weight requirement.

Scoring is best 1 of 5 flights.

Target weight for this class is around 2.5 grams with a trimmed down Ikara butterfly prop or scraped plastic prop. This will give a model that will fly around 3-4 minutes at Kent.  For those who never have flew Jetco ROG, here are some ballpark guidelines for building to get you started:

Wing leading edge: 6-7 # balsa (needs to handle beam bumps)
Wing trailing edge, wing tips, and ribs: 4-5 # balsa
Stab and fin: 4-5 # balsa
Sheet wood for ailerons and rudder: .015" 4-5 # balsa
Motor stick: 1/8" sheet 5 # balsa. A Harlan style pennyplane prop bearing works great. I would add a spacer for rubber clearance (and on rear hook).  
Landing gear wire: .013-.015" (can be thinner but if too thin will not hold up model, see rule #3)
The plan does not show a landing gear wire pattern but the wheel to wheel distance is approximately 3"
Wing clips: .015-.018" (if too thin clips can flex in flight changing trim). I would also suggest bending the top of the wing clips differently, they need to parallel to and attached to the wing spars instead of the parallel to the center wing rib. The glue joint will break all the time if bent and glued just like its shown on the plan.    
Prop: scrapped down molded prop or Ikara prop trimmed to 5 1/2" diameter and re-pitched.
Covering: Flat airfoil covering on the wing works just fine on these models. Some people have used curved tissue over the years as mentioned in rule #2. I would suggest making a flat tissue wing first then experimenting with a curved tissue covered wing as it can be tricky and can make the model fly worse especially if one side has more bellow than the other side as the circle can change in flight or one side partially deflates in a dive making things interesting.
Circle: The plan has a littel left wing offset, so most fly their model to the left but some fly to the right. Your choice.

any questions email me at