2004-2005 Rule Changes:

Here is a brief summary of the changes for Wright Stuff in 2004-2005

Division B:
    Division B models are dimensionally the same as the 2003-2004 models. This year, however, they must only weigh 7 grams instead of 8 grams. The Olympus B design, if built per this CD-Rom, will end up between 6.0 and 6.5 grams. So your model will still be underweight. Additionally, the rules this year allow the use of plastic films for covering, which can save considerable weight if your models still tend to be overweight.

    This year, record keeping is a part of your score. A flight log is required which keeps track of your models performance on at least 6 parameters, and for 10 flights prior to the competition. This will be discussed in another section of the CD.

Division C:

    Division C models are very similar to last years models. The wingspan has been dropped to 48cm, the wing chord decreased to 12cm, and the stabilizer span has been reduced to 35cm. Also biplanes are allowed in Division C this year, so please check www.indoorfreeflight.com for the biplane plans which will be released shortly.

    This year, record keeping is a part of your score. A flight log is required which keeps track of your models performance on at least 6 parameters, and for 10 flights prior to the competition. This will be discussed in another section of the CD.

The Ribbon Drop:
    The ribbon drop has been retained for this year. Many people found clever solutions to this problem and my favorite is the most simple one of all. Cut your ribbon from a piece of model airplane tissue paper (also known as Esaki tissue). Just before you launch the model, dip one end into a small bottle of alcohol to saturate the end of the ribbon. Now quickly lay the wet end of the ribbon on to the side of the motorstick, and rub your finger over the tissue to help make it stick. Then immediately launch your model. The wet piece of tissue paper will 'stick' to the motorstick, and while your model is flying and the alcohol evaporates, the ribbon will then fall off from its own weight.  

How is that for a simple solution!