You may want to purchase some support equipment for your model to make flying easier. A small folding table is a nice tool to have as you have an entire area on which you can place your model and organize you flying equipment. These tables can be typically bought at a place which sells camping supplies. Also while your at it, get yourself a comfy chair.

Tool boxes and tackle boxes are nice ways to store your rubber motors, glue, pliers, winder, torque meter, and all your other items needed for flying. These boxes are a little on the large side as I fly many events, but you get the idea.

A winder is an essential tool. The winder on the right is a plastic 10:1 winder. Meaning 1 turn of the crank will give 10 winds in your motor. I like 10:1 winders because it is easy to know how many turns you have because if you wind 150 cranks, then that is 150 * 10 = 1500 turns. The yellow winder on the right can be purchased from or

The winder on the left is a custom 10:1 winder made by Wayne Johnson of Chardon, OH. His winders have a locking feature on the crank, and a counter dial on the face to keep track of how many winds are put into your motor. This type of winder is more expensive then a yellow plastic winder, but they are very high quality and will last a very long time. Information on ordering them can be found on Tim Goldstein's web site

The photo below shows the Johnson winder (notice the dial counter on the face), and a torque meter from Tim Goldstein ( This is my current winding setup I use for all my models. The locking feature on the crank prevents the motor from unwinding, so you can wind and hook up your model without needing anyone else's help.