2024 Wasp Online Indoor Postal Contest

Final Results of postal ending April 30th, 2024

What is a Wasp? The Wasp is a 10.5" span rubber powered model that was publised in the January 1942 issue of Aeromodeler.
Here is a link to the entire issue and the article and plan are on page 26 and 27

Here is just the the written article saved as a PDF for easy download and printing

Here is just the plan for easy download and printing (make sure to print 100% scale, wing panel is 5.25" flat)

What is an online Postal Contest? It is a contest where everyone around the world gets to build a Wasp, go fly it, then submit their scores by email to see how their model compares to other modelers.

What are the rules? This event was intially conceieved as a one design event by the Cloudbusters to fly at their indoor flying sessions over the current indoor season. So we will follow their established rules for construction of the model. The intent is to build the model per the 1942 plan with some adjustments to construction.

1. Tissue Cover Only - no film, no condenser paper
2. Cover single surface EXCEPT FINS (double cover fins)
3. ANY prop, max. 3.5" diameter per plan
4. Prop Shaft and Landing Gear Wire MUST BE 1/32" music wire
5. Motor hook can be lighter wire or a pin
6. No Exotic materials: no carbon fiber, boron, etc.
7. Model may be scratch built or made from the laser cut short kit available from Volare Products

Rules clarifications: As rule issues come up I will add clarifications here. Remember the intent is to build the model from the plan.
#1 Wing pylon may be moved forward or back to achieve CG
#2 Pylon does not have to be split/removable
#3 Any type of thrust bearing may be used (e.g. bent wire bearing, tubing, aluminum pigtail bearing, nylon, etc)
#4 ROG not required
#5 The prop can be plastic (molded or 3D printed) or made from wood (carved, can formed, etc)
#6 Camber can be added to the wings by soaking in water and forming on a ~10" diameter can. That will give camber close to the what is on the center pylon.

Building Tips: Since I have finished mine and flown it I offer the following suggestions. For a light model (under 2.5 grams) use 4-5 lb density balsa for all parts. The prop spar should be stiff wood around 10-12 lb as the model bangs pretty hard when it hits a wall. Prop baldes should be .025-.030"  thick balsa as any thinner will break if you it a wall. A small carved wood prop would work well if you do not want to can form a prop. The wing location on the plan is pretty close to where it needs to be as the CG is about 50% of the wing chord. The model circles well to the left, just needs a little left thrust (about 1-2 degrees), a little downthrust (about a degree), and a little left rudder offset. Then add a little wash-in the inboard wing (about 1/32"). This should give a nice left circle. Rubber loops are made from around .025"-.030" wide  x 14" long for a 2 gram model with 2700 turns. Rear wire hook make from .015" wire.      

How do I enter my flight times into the Postal Contest? To enter your flight times, send an email to don@indoorfreeflight.com
Your postal entry must include the following items:
1. Your Name
2. Flight time in minutes and seconds (e.g. 1:17 = one minute and seventeen seconds)
3. Date of your flight
4. Ceiling height of the building you are flying in (e.g. 24ft 5inches) FAI ceiling measurment should be used, that is ceiling height measured at a 50ft diameter circle.
5. Weight of your model (less rubber) in grams
6. Age classification: There willbe two age categories, "Junior Class" and "Open Class"
    if the contestant is 15 years old or younger then please note they are in "Junior Class"
    if no age classification is included in the entry then it will be assumed they are in the "Open Class"

You may enter as many times as you like. ROG is not required. As your flight time increases, send in your new scores. Fly in a new venue, send in the score. All flights must be submitted by April 30th, 2024

Why are you requiring the weight of my model?
I will be dividing models into weight classes to give modelers of varied building skills a category to fly in. Since the event is new, I am not sure what the model weight ranges will be. I am guessing maybe three classes, 2.0 grams and under, 2.0 to 3.0 grams, and over 3.0 grams.

Why are you requiring the ceiling height where I fly?
The ceiling height will have an effect on how long the model can fly. A higher ceiling generally means longer flight time can be achieved. Knowing the ceiling height can help me graph the flight time based on ceiling height to try and come up with an appropriate correction factor. This is a method I used years ago when I use to run online postals.

Where can I see the current list of entered scores? I will be making a score sheet that I will update as scores come in that will have the current flight times, ceiling heights, and weights.

Winners will be announced for each weight class category the first week of May 2024. 

Latest update to this page: January 21st, 2024