Illustrated Building Guide for the 'Olympus'
Science Olympiad Model
by Don Slusarczyk
version 120401
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Whats new in the 2001-2002 Wright Stuff Rules

Getting started, and what you will need

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Lets build it:
      Selecting the balsa wood
      Making your own balsa stripwood
      Preparing the plan

Building the wing:
      Cutting out the wing ribs
      Building the wing
      Gluing the wing together

Building the horizontal stabilizer:
      Cutting out the stab ribs
      Building the stab

Building the vertical stabilizer

Covering the model:
      Preshrinking the tissue paper
      Covering the wing
      Covering the stab and fin
      Covering with a glue stick

Adding the dihedral and washin:
      Adding the dihedral
      Adding the washin
      Fixing the wing tip 'wrinkle'

Making the body and tail boom:
      Cutting out the body and fitting the prop assembly
      Cutting out the tail boom
      Gluing the tail boom to the body
      Making the rear rubber hook
      Preparing the prop assembly

Making the landing gear (for Division C only)

Final assembly and balance point:
      Tissue tubes
      Wing posts
      Gluing the stab and fin onto the model
      Locating the wing position
      Gluing the wing posts to the body
      Attaching the wing to the posts and mounting the landing gear

Lets fly it:
      Making a 2gr motor
      The first powered flight
      Flight trimming and what to look for

Advanced modeling tips (or 3 minutes and beyond):
    Scraping the plastic prop to reduce weight, making a prop shaft, and balancing the prop
      Repitching the prop for increased flight times
      Making a stronger and lighter fuselage
      How to make a wire nose bearing
      Installing the prop into the wire nose bearing
      Winding technique and, storing your model